AgilityHealth Blog | Accelerate your transformation

10 Musts for Effective Team Meetings

Written by AgilityHealth | Jan 3, 2024 2:45:00 PM

Team meetings are the backbone of collaboration, providing a platform for idea exchange, decision-making, and project updates. However, not all meetings are created equal. To ensure your team meetings are productive and efficient, it's crucial to adhere to a set of best practices. In this blog, we'll share the 10 musts for effective team meetings, encompassing planning, execution, and closing strategies.


First, you must consider, in advance, how to plan ahead for the most effective team meeting possible.

      1. The meeting purpose has been identified and the process has been designed. Start by clearly defining the purpose of the meeting. Whether it's brainstorming, decision-making, or project updates, a well-defined purpose sets the tone for a focused discussion.
      2. Ensure all necessary meeting participants are invited. Be certain that all key stakeholders and required team members are invited. Their insights and expertise are crucial for achieving the meeting's objectives.
      3. The seating style is effective for collaboration. Consider the seating arrangement to encourage open communication and collaboration. A U-shaped seating arrangement is often preferred to encourage participants to engage with each other, while also being able to easily pay attention to the facilitator. Arrange seats in a way that promotes discussion and interaction to be sure everyone is encouraged to participate. You may want to avoid a classroom-style set-up, as this places all the focus on the presenter.
      4. Ensure all meeting handouts, flip charts, and needed equipment are all ready ahead of time. Eliminate potential disruptions by ensuring all necessary materials and equipment are prepared in advance. This includes handouts, visual aids, and any technology required for presentations.


If you’re well prepared, you’re off to a great start. Next, let’s focus on the execution of the meeting.

      1. Present the meeting’s purpose, agenda, roles, and ground rules and agree upon them upfront. Set the tone for a structured meeting by presenting the purpose, agenda, assigned roles, and ground rules at the beginning. This ensures everyone is on the same page and understands their responsibilities.
      2. Ensure the meeting has a skilled facilitator to keep the team on track. Appoint a skilled facilitator who can guide the discussion, manage time effectively, and keep the team focused on the agenda. A facilitator helps navigate discussions and ensures the meeting stays productive.
      3. Visibly record all the main decisions, ideas, follow-up items, and assignments. Designate someone to capture and display key information throughout the meeting. This not only serves as a visual reference but also ensures that decisions, ideas, follow-up items, and assignments are clearly documented.
      4. Establish and follow meeting start/end/break times. Respect everyone's time by adhering to a predefined schedule. Clearly communicate start and end times, as well as any planned breaks, and stick to the agreed-upon timeline.


When the meeting comes to a close, that doesn’t mean your duties are over. There are just a couple of things you must ensure happen afterward.

      1. Get the group’s feedback at closing. Gather feedback from key stakeholders and meeting participants at the end of the meeting. This provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the meeting and helps make improvements for future sessions.
      2. Send all meeting notes to participants as soon as possible. Ensure that detailed meeting notes, including decisions, action items, and any relevant documents, are promptly shared with all participants. This helps reinforce accountability and serves as a reference for future work.

In conclusion, successful team meetings are built on careful planning, effective execution, and thoughtful closing. 

By incorporating these 10 musts into your meeting practices, you'll create an environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and productivity. Remember, the key to a successful team meeting lies in the commitment to continuous improvement and a shared dedication to achieving common goals.